Saturday, December 23, 2006

Hello Blogosphere!

Lookee, I have bloggee! Hey, if you expect more refined thought and sentence structure than the preceding, try another blog. This is mine and I can do what I want. Besides, it is okay for me to be stupid, Jawn Carry told me I was and since I am not currently stuck in Irak I figured I would get stuck in the next best hellhole,!

Beyond that, I look forward to seeing where this blog thing will go. I am sure if I try hard, type slowly and don't drool on the keyboard too much I can eventually hope to reach at least 2 dedicated readers. I am a 12 year active duty member of the Navy, and in my free time I am a 12 year active duty member of the Navy. I pretend to have a nice wife, a nice house, lots of nice guns, and plenty of nice ammo, but the reality is not so nice, today's Navy doesn't leave much time for me to see any of them.

I am starting a blog mainly to have a place to vent about some of the crap I see happening in the world today. America has many enemies, and many of them are nominally Americans. From that outlook comes the blog title, the truth is that all too many of our public figures and well-meaning but unthinking private citizens are killing the ideal of this country. To try to explain this kindly to them is met with denial, shifting of blame, or most commonly these days, outright hostility. The truth to many Americans is way too inconvenient, so they hide behind their daily lives, behind pop culture, behind political labels, behind sound-byte moral and political beliefs.


What is the truth to me? Truth is the beliefs that founded this country. Truth to me is in The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and all the legacy documents that preceded and gave life to these two. The most important document that the idea of America derived from is The Bible. No, I am not religious, nor will I ask you to be. I believe in it however and know that where truth is concerned there are personal truths and there are absolute truths. The "self-evident truths" referenced in The Declaration are absolute. They transcend man's law. Many today deny God's law, they deny the founding principles of this country derived from God's law. That denial does not make the truth any less absolute, it just makes it rather inconvenient for them to deal with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The inconvenient truth here is actually your own. Like all bloggers, you love to listen to yourself talk. At least, however, you name your subject matter appropriately--"Personal Drivel." If you really believed all the crap you espouse on your blog, you'd be out in the world doing something about it--not sitting at a computer pretending to be "holier than thou." Hurry up and do something, like run for President, or shut up. Nobody is listening. That should be obvious by the fact that no one has posted a comment here. But like most bloggers, you also apparently revel in the waste of time.