Saturday, January 13, 2007

Monroe, where art thou?

Here is yet another very good reason to secure our southern frontier. Demagogues unite! I am all for fighting terrorism on someone else's soil, and if we cannot control what comes across into our southwest we will face it here. Nothing Chavez and Ahmadinejad collaborate on are going to be very good for any free people in the Americas. Hopefully their cancerous politics can be beat back by more U.S. influence and assistance to Central and South America. If we do nothing these type of goons will spread their influence. We can most certainly make it without Citgo gas, but if future developments threaten the Panama canal we will be back down there in a big way, and none too diplomatically. In today's mobile world the Monroe Doctrine is no longer entirely practical, but taking care of our own backyard couldn't hurt.

I think a declaration of war with Venezuela is about all that we need so that the next time we see Cindy Sheehan hugging on Chavez we can shoot her for treason. While we're at it, why is David Duke still breathing? More power to them to exercise their fundamental right to self-expression; I just figure if you want to be a treasonous bitch you can turn in your passport on the way out and never grace our shores again. Jane Fonda, you getting this? You're next Clooney!

These events happening to our south will make drug trafficking across our southern border look quaint when we look back in several years. Anyone in this country who is in power and does nothing to secure our southern border is abetting this growing enemy. Border control is not about our country being racist, it is about obtaining essential security for our nation. Bush, McCain, and many others purport to be patriots but are undermining our security by pushing for immigration reform that does not lock our border down. John McCain, for painting yourself as a patriot and war hero while actively working to leave our nation vunerable, you are the devil.

Update: I'm bored so I present(with apologies to Frank J.)

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