Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Pat Robertson was right!

There, I said it. I hate to agree with anything that freaking lunatic utters, but he had a point last year. Our country needs to save itself a lot of future trouble and BUMP OFF HUGO CHAVEZ NOW!

One fella interviewed in the story almost gets it:
'Outside the Spanish Embassy, dozens line up with documents in hand. Many plan trips for tourism or study, but Henry Krakower is thinking darker thoughts. He wants a passport for his 10-year-old son in case they need to leave for good.

"I don't really know what all the coming changes are, but I don't think it's the best idea to give all the power to a single person for him to decide on my behalf," says Krakower, the son of a Polish concentration camp survivor who found a haven in Venezuela after World War II.'

Edit: Change "in case they need to leave for good." to we are leaving this hellhole right now.

Change the rest to read: I don't really know what all the coming changes are, but they ain't gonna be good. One concentration camp is enough for this family. Besides if this "revolution" fails it will naturally be my fault, I'm Jewish.

Hmm, "mother law" , "Maximum Revolution", "power to the people", "Nothing stops the revolution!" Sounds great huh?

Inconvenient Truth? Yep, I agree with Mr. 700 and that fact alone gives me gas.

Tyranny of the Majority? Yep, a lot of folks in Venezuela voted for this guy or helped stuff ballot boxes for him. It looks like they have a tyrant for life, so the majority screwed themselves pretty good here. Besides, even if Chavez doesn't have majority support(probable even though the linked article makes it sound like he does *journalattio*) he has a majority of the people with guns. America should remember that as we head to the polls to elect a socialist in '08.

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